Remembering Memento Mori on a Misty Morning.
We are alive. We are not dead fish. Live lively lives, pursue passionate projects, foster fervor, experience events, and express yourself earnestly. Life is short. Entropy prevails.
On this misty morning, a man and his dog crossed the Tolomato River and then disembarked onto the floating deck attached to the Vilano Beach Pier. It could have been Charon on the River Styx landing on the dock in Hades. He wasn’t; it wasn’t; it wasn’t. It was an unnamed man on the Tolomato River in St. Augustine.

Mindful Morning photo-walk.
In a mindful morning photo walk I can combine exercise, attention-retraining, and my avocation in one activity. persistently shifting scenes provide plenty of picture-making opportunities, even in oft-visited neighborhoods. And what a relief it is! What a blessing! Same place, in different lighting conditions, and due to ever-varying weather, becomes new. One needs not to travel to exotic destinations to seek new adventures and find photogenic scenes. Walking during early mornings also ensures solitude. As I walk, with my Hasselblad around my neck and a Leica slung over my shoulder, I scan what's around me to find serendipitous new relations between elements of composition, even when visiting familiar sites.

Photowalk around St Augustine
Photowalk around the very scenic St Augustine.
Hasselblad CFV II 50C/907X, 30/3.5 | Leica Q2 Monochrom

Empty Chairs in St Mark Square in Venice
Empty Chairs in St Mark Square: I was intrigued by vacant spaces – spaces that I certainly had not seen without hordes of people. The strongest presence in these images was what was absent from them.

TRIPTYCH and more at the Bridge of Sighs in Venice.
Bridge of Sighs in Venice evokes feelings of anguish and hopes of escape. I thought of these emotions in a tercet and communicated my interpretation via a triptych. This blog post discusses how I sketched my way to that.

The Rialto Bridge at Dawn.
In 1588-1591, Venetian architect Antonio da Ponte combined the form and function, the grace and dignity, with strength and permanence to rebuild the beautiful Rialto Bridge on the Grand Canal.

Ancient Dunes Trail
Ancient Dunes Trail is a moderately easy loop trail and provides an excellent view of fine tree specimens.

Inside the Castilo de San Marcos-Part 1