Oh, the things you will see in 1.5 miles walk in St Augustine.
Another blessed day!
Today is my image-making day.
I am off to great places at the crack of dawn.
I am out of a warm and comfortable bed. Eager, I am off and away!
I have pre-visualized images in my head.
I have eager feet in my Teva shoes.
I can walk north or south, east or west.
On my own, I know how to walk, talk, presumably listen, look, and see.
I look at the lion, steadfast, guarding the bridge, and that's not what I will photograph today.
I turned away and walked to the tower where guards control the drawbridge out yonder.

Lighthouse Park on a cloudy morning
Lighthouse Park in St Augustine has a fishing pier, picnic area, boat ramp, kayak and canoe launch, and public parking. Sea birds such as Great Egrets are commonly seen here. There is a shaded area for picnic. I used 24 mm Tilt Shift, 55 mm Zeiss Otus, and Canon 400 mm 2.8 II lens with a 1.4x teleconverter on a Canon EOS R5. I used a Sekonic spot meter for the exposure measurement.