Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Shehzad Khan Niazi Shehzad Khan Niazi

Blow, blow, thou winter wind

“Ice strangles oldest city,” the St Augustine Record proclaimed twenty-three years ago on December 24, 1989. The temperatures with windchill plummeted to below zero to -20 degrees in Fahrenheit. That day bridges in the area, except the Vilano bridge, closed. There were so many accidents on the ice-covered county roads and I-95 that FHP ran out of people to handle and count them. The night shift had already been called in by 3 PM on Saturday.

The Morning of the 24th of 2022 came close. There was no ice on the roads, and all bridges remained open. Traffic did not stop. Bitter cold wind chill forced down the mercury to 13 degrees Fahrenheit. Residents covered the yard plants in varying materials to ward off the cold-induced death, turned the heat on, and stayed indoors. Tourists and residents alike deserted sites that customarily are bustling.

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If at Matanzas Inlet to the northeast ye standing be, the beauteous painted heavens up high o’er the bay, you’ll see.
Shehzad Khan Niazi Shehzad Khan Niazi

If at Matanzas Inlet to the northeast ye standing be, the beauteous painted heavens up high o’er the bay, you’ll see.

The same hurricane that devastated communities and shattered lives also intensified and recolored the sunset’s palette. Mother Nature is a supreme artist creating one masterpiece after another. She occasionally throws tantrums, rips the canvasses, discards the brushes, and storms away, huffing and puffing. When enraged, she furiously scowls at human hubris. Once her foul mood blows over, she restarts her oeuvre.

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Inside the Castilo de San Marcos-Part 1

Inside the Castilo de San Marcos-Part 1

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