Cambridge full of ghosts.
Given that Cambridge is full of ghosts, I wonder what their favorite haunts would be? The library? The Church? The cafes and bakeries around the campus? Or the Yard? I trod the same path where millions over centuries have walked. They all left the place and moved on but likely took memories of the place and people, vivid and faint, with them. Relocating many times, I have realized that one is bound to leave people and places behind, yet part of them stays with you while you leave some of yourself behind. For the caterpillar, one life ends, yet another, far more beautiful, though short-lived, ensues. Here it is to all the caterpillars. May you all become beautiful butterflies!

The Light of Learning.

Solvitur Ambulando: It is solved by walking.
Me thinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my pre-visualization begin to flow. I went out for a photo-walk recently. Clouds partially covered the morning sun, turning it into a giant beauty dish with a diffuser. This transformation created soft yet punchy light that gently wrapped around all the objects in its path. Shadows, when present, were soft. The pastel colors were subtle.

Of condensation on windows.
I see condensation, and it makes me smile. It is a transformation – gas to a liquid, and it also transforms – vapor into liquid. It is a change – from a gaseous state into liquid form. It changes the surfaces on which condensation resides and the surfaces on which it forms. The windowpane, the car’s windshield, the can of soda, glasses in spectacles, and the camera lens, among others, are all changed. It also changes the objects that we see through it. Condensation on the camera lens and fogged glasses imbue images we capture or see with a dreamy glow

Vilano Beach Long Exposures
Testing Lee SW150 Filter system on a 17mm Tilt Shift lens on Vilano Beach. I used a 10-Stop ND “Big-Stopper” to make long exposures.

The Rialto Bridge at Dawn.
In 1588-1591, Venetian architect Antonio da Ponte combined the form and function, the grace and dignity, with strength and permanence to rebuild the beautiful Rialto Bridge on the Grand Canal.